We've been getting antsy waiting for this li'l beauty to come down the pike. Last year, we walked away from the FPO Awards with 13 winning entries. We couldn't be any prouder of our production squad. Those lads & lasses put in the hours, the sweat, the tears, the blood, and it's only fitting that their handiwork should be honored in such a pleasant volume. We'd highly recommend getting your hands on this book. It's chock full of tasty print & design work. All of it is deeply inspiring to us; we love seeing what other shops are up to!
A big plus this year was getting the Best of Category award for our collaboration with local pal, Clark Orr, on his Willy Wonka Lickable Wallpaper Poster.
We'd highly recommend clocking at least a solid 45 minutes on the Web Version of the awards book. It's a solid way to get deep into the vast array of production methods & approaches that are out there. If you happen to have a coffee table that frequently accompanies scintillating conversation, you should really think about getting a copy of this book to sit on it.