Screen Printed Business Cards on Chipboard

Screen Printed Business Cards on Chipboard

Chipboard is a great post-consumer product. Made from recycled scraps, it generally has a brown hue but can also range into the brown/gray arena. The board we use is .30 but we can get thicker stock if requested.

It's durable, thick, and has the rugged feel of something that is definitely recycled.

Camy Thomas screen printed business card by Mama's Sauce
3/3 spot with a full wash of blue on one side
Green Sheep screen printed business card by Mama's Sauce
3/0 - bright colors aren't a problem for screen print, not even on chipboard!
Shelby Hohl screen printed business card by Mama's Sauce
1/1 with a really dark navy, just barely off of a black
Spektrum screen printed business card by Mama's Sauce
A close-up of just how opaque white can go down on chipboard when screen printing

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