Our noble ally Aaron Draplin came by the shop today for a visit. If, for some strange reason, you follow our work and not his, stop what you're doing and take a gander at the DDC Portfolio. Many a dark day have we mustered our moxy from a few clips of Draplin raising a ruckus on stage at design conferences. In case you were wondering, this guy is the genuine article. None of his chutzpah is manufactured or contrived. It's real-life chutzpah. Really. If you don't believe us, take a look at at his father (the Draplin standing next to Draplin… who shall henceforth be your hero.
It was cool to hear Aaron share his thoughts about our recent collaboration, Love Letters, and his drive to leverage creative resources for noble causes. We're definitely gonna be in the kitchen with Draplin on some upcoming projects in that vein. Then again...he did yell “I'm never coming back" as he walked out the door.
This seems like a good time to mention that we'll be on the bill with Draplin at Creative South in April. All you southern folk who give a rip about doing good work oughta come hang! More on this later.