TL;DR - Live printing and a poster illustrating workshop at Mama's Sauce HQ!
Imagine yourself under twinkling holiday bulbs and stars alongside of Mama's Sauce, the garage doors are open and the letterpress is running. It's time for you and 50 of your closest friends to print your own printed guide for the night's workshop. At the helm of said workshop will be Adobe Artist in Resident, Becky Simpson, and she is going to walk you through illustrating your own poster design. Yes, this is an illustration workshop on a lovely winter's eve.
Illustration is fun! It's accessible to everybody, but sometimes we just need a few creative prompts. In this workshop, Becky will guide you along as you illustrate your own poster. She'll provide prompts and a specific order for drawing your own 11x14" (or another good poster size) work of art with the tools we've been using our whole lives: pencils and Sharpies. An image bank will also be provided (she'll explain later). No need to bring anything but your phone, and preferably download the Adobe Capture app, as you'll have a chance to capture your drawling and send it off to the cloud. One lucky (and randomly selected) person attending who submits their illustration from the night will win 50 1-color screen printed poster prints 11x14s of it!
Not able to make it? We've heard rumors that our friends at Creative Live are sponsoring the night (because they believe in design education), and may just be doing something with a video of the night in the near future.
Every semester Mama's Sauce hosts an event to celebrate the semesters interns, and in the spirit of design education, we will be donating 100% of the night's proceeds to AIGA Orlando's Mentorship program for design students.
Food & drinks will be provided, so don't worry about rushing to grab a snack before the event begins! Oh, and in additonal to a print your own letterpress guie for the night, you'll also be getting a free limited edition screen printed event poster from the night!
Learn more about the work Becky has been doing while being a Creative Resident at Adobe.
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Adobe Creative Residency Program
Creative Live
French Paper Co