It's that time again where we bring in a favorite designer-friend to help us celebrate this semester's interns. This time around it's our good buddy Bob Ewing. He's an amazing letterer, co-founder of Inch by Inch, and has been bringing his workshop, The Vector Machine from town to town. We'll let him explain the Vector Machine...
"Okay, so there is no automated machine when it comes to the vectoring process of lettering. There is also no right answer, but there are a handful of guidelines and techniques that will make it easier. The Vector Machine requires you to get your hands dirty and in this workshop we will do precisely that. Point by point, we will clicking and dragging our way through 2+ jam-packed hours of Bézier curves. We highly recommend bringing along your laptop loaded with Adobe Illustrator, to get the most out of the class. A fully charged battery would probably also be a good idea." Cheers_Bob
The night will include a limited edition art print (designed by Bob) that, of course, you will have to print yourself and then, as Bob said above, 2-hours of workshopping our way through learning the finer points of vectorizing hand-made type! If all things go to plan you will leave with your very own hand-type made vector!
We'll be providing drinks and lights snacks, but this event is really about learning... So come full of food with a full laptop battery. You will need Adobe Illustrator as well.